Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cold Reading

I have heard many say that they don't like or dread cold readings. They can be a bit frightening. Still there are ways to overcome that. (No, it is not imaging those who are listening to you in their underwear.)

First, remember that your voice is one of the instruments that you use in this job. To improve your voice and cold reading skills read out loud.

Sound simple huh! Well it is and it isn't. When you read out loud you should listen to yourself. Some people use a tape recorder or video recording. Unless your equipment is top rate, the sound you will hear when you play back is not very good. Additionally, you can't use a recorder when actually doing a cold read. Better to learn to hear yourself with out machinery. Learn to adjust your voice levels, the pitch of your voice and the speed at which a thing needs to be said. Practice using your voice and reading just the same as you would practice the piano, flute or any other instrument.

What should you use to practice. ANYTHING that is WRITTEN!! I have been known to practice reading the newspaper or magazine or even cereal boxes. The point it learn to read out loud. Learn the correct way to pronounce any word. Sometimes there are multiple ways to say any one word. Get comfortable enough that the unexpected does not throw you.

Personally, cold reading for me has become an easy task. I find I truly enjoy it. So the next time you have to cold read, relax, have fun. You have done your 'homework' and the next voice you hear on the screen or radio may be yours.

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