Saturday, August 29, 2009

Being Prepared

How many of us go through life just flowing the with currents. We say, "whatever" or " if it was meant to be it will be". While a great sentiment, in this business they really are just excuses. Face it, it you are not ready when opportunity arrives, then you probably just added time to your 'making it'.

I can hear you now. "You are being too tough" or "You can't control outcomes". I would say phooey on that.

Let's start with "You are being too tough". Come on! Do you want to succeed or not? Life is constantly offering you chances. Do you take them, or do you even see them? Say you are in line at the coffee shop. You are in your own little world, not even aware of what is around you. There are many chances to connect with people. It helps with what you know, but it really helps with who you know. I am not saying to connect with people just to use them, but I am saying that when you connect with others it moves you closer to your goal. You never know when the next person you meet is the one who, in there own way, helps you to take the next step in the direction you are trying to get to. So no, I am not being too 'tough'.

Moving on to "You can't control outcomes." Please, I know you cannot control others, but you can control the outcome. The outcome is how you perceive it. If you think you have failed, then you haven't learned a thing. Failure is simply the next step to success. Let's use the audition process as an example. You prepared, gave a terrific audition, but did not get the part. Did you fail. NO! You didn't get the part, but if you were prepared you have made additional contacts, learned what works or doesn't work in certain situations. You may even have impressed the auditioners so much they will remember you and maybe call you for something else. The key is to control how you see the events. Learn every chance you get.

So always be prepared. Be prepared to meet and connect with people. Enjoy the process of learning to get from here to there. When you walk out, plan to make an impression. I have found one of the best ways in life to get to where I want to go, is head in that direction and be prepared for the opportunities that present themselves along the way.